Social | July 3, 2013

How you can use LinkedIn to grow your brand

It may not have the sheer number of users that its rivals Facebook and Twitter can boast, but LinkedIn has well and truly created its own social media niche over the last few years. The internet’s biggest professional network has over 11 million users in the UK and 200 million worldwide – 35% of whom use it every single day.

So, it goes without saying that LinkedIn is a great platform for marketing professionals, who can introduce their brand to millions of potential customers.

How can you make the most of LinkedIn? Here’s where to start:

Polish your profile

Just like a regular web page, your brand’s profile needs to be interesting and aesthetically pleasing. Make sure your profile conveys your brand’s personality with well-written copy (we don’t need to tell you how off-putting a badly-written, typo-strewn page is) and give it a professional, approachable picture. Remember, LinkedIn’s strong authority within Google means this page will be one of the first things people find when searching your name, so it’s a great platform for your brand.

Make connections and join in

Once your company profile’s looking good you can start to make connections with colleagues, suppliers and previous customers on your page. Join relevant groups around your industry and don’t be afraid to join in the conversation.

By answering relevant questions that people ask, contributing interesting content and discussing industry news you’ll be seen as an authority in your particular sphere. Just as with the rest of the internet, LinkedIn works well when you put the hours in – creating and sharing great content is a great way to get your name out there.

Employees as ambassadors

LinkedIn is as much about people as is it is the company that they work for. By creating interesting profiles and making connections, you and your colleagues can widen your brand’s reach in a personal, approachable way.

Source PR and work by following companies you admire

Keeping in contact with businesses and connections isn’t just so you can stay on top of all the hot gossip. Well, not all the time. If a company you’re linked with is growing and needs new commercial partners or is looking to develop a PR initiative that you could help with, you’ll find out about it on LinkedIn – potentially before anyone else.

Ask customers to recommend you

It goes without saying that if you were looking for a company to work with, you’d choose one that had been recommended numerous times by people you trust. You’re much less likely to trust a company with no recommendations. So if a client is satisfied with your work, ask them to recommend you on your business page, or to give you a recommendation on your personal profile.

Optimise your page

Perhaps more so than any other social media site, people use LinkedIn to search for new professional services. Make sure your page is optimised to help you show up when people are looking – fill in all fields in as much detail as possible; include relevant keywords in your ‘about’ page; discuss your product offering on the ‘product’ page and add in your specialities and industry title.

Toot your horn!

Like any social media page, LinkedIn is a great promotional tool as it connects you with people who want to know about your brand. If you’re launching a new store, have an influx of new staff or have just won an industry award, let the world know!

Add job listings

Did you know that three out of four LinkedIn users want to be approached for other job opportunities? If you’re recruiting, the site has a wealth of potential employees to choose from. It costs money to post a job on LinkedIn (as much as £189 for a 30-day posting) but if you’re looking to grow your business with technologically-advanced, ambitious staff then this is the place to do it.

Read more on how to use LinkedIn to grow your brand or read more about our social media advertising agency to find out how our LinkedIn marketing agency can help you grow on this digital marketing platform.

Liberty Marketing is on LinkedIn. Follow us today!

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LinkedIn Advertising

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